Fruit Juice Drinks Set (The Sims 4)


At first I wanted to combine these with some other items but they look a bit off so I decided to make this as a separated set. I plan to release more food or grocery clutters in the following weeks. I hope you guys are looking forward to it! ^___^

Anyway, you'll get 5 juice bottles and 1 bag (it's a recolor of my Bath and Body Works bag from HERE or HERE).
You can use these to decorate house or to set up a business place.
It requires Get To Work expansion to run a business.

These are clutter and they have custom thumbnails.

Mesh Info:
OBP Candy Craft Bag (296 vertices/326 faces)
OBP Fruit Juice Drinks (662 vertices/898 faces)
All meshes are made by me. Food icons/graphics from Behance.

Feel free to recolor this set.
But please Do Not replace my textures with yours! (Default replacement)
Please read my TOU & Sharing Policy HERE.

And please tag 'onebillionpixels' if you use these in your picture. I'll reblog your post.


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Thank you! â™¥

1 comment

  1. That is really nice to hear. thank you for the update and good luck.
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