105 Functional Body Cleansers (Non Default Replacement) Compatible with Pets EP

Yup, 105. No kidding.
And these don't replace the one from the game so your sims can have different body wash/bath gel (I just call them body cleanser) every time they have bubble bath.
Yay? ;)

Anyway, I used daluved1 mod to make these so credit goes to her.
I replaced her soap with my own mesh.
There's 10 new mesh and 105 recolors in total.
I also made some for our sims guys as you can see in pics :)
You can find them under category misc decor and their prices are just like the ones in real life (or close ;)

You can also use them as decor only if you want. Put them anywhere you like.
I used OMSP in my preview pics and you can get it here.

Both format are available in file.
Just install the one you like and delete the rest.

Here's the list.

Victoria's Secret (6)
Bath&Body Works 1 (30)
Bath&Body Works 2 (22)
Yves Rocher 1 (6)
Yves Rocher 2 (8)
Bodycology (8)
Olay (6)
Ulta (12)
Dove Men Care (4)
Every Man Jack (3)

I hope you like these.
Please let me know. I wanna hear from you (don't be shy :)

Have a great weekend everyone!


Credits :
daluved1 for the mod


  1. Awesome, I can't wait to install this into my game! Thanks!

  2. Oh! I also use your face skin default replacement in my male Sims... I simply love it! (sory my poor english) You can see them in my blog, if you wanted...

  3. You must use a lot of time in it
    They are fab !
    Thanks :)

  4. So lovely! Wonderful quality work! You must have spent quite a deal of time with these! You are wonderful! Thank you! ♥

  5. Is this compatible with the new pets patch?

  6. Hello NewOne,

    I check your wonderful blog almoste every day for more new beatuiful stuff end...WOW today you made me happy happy...I LOVE them ALL. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please continue to make us happy. Alets - the crazy cat lady ;)

  7. Hello again,

    I have to come back and correct my spelling...I wanted to type AND not END (sorry)...Once again and again ..I LOVE ALL of your creations.Alets

  8. These are just amazing, thank you for all the work you put into these! <3

  9. I just want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments. I really enjoy reading them and appreciate everyone's kindness.
    Sorry for the late reply. I was away from my computer last weekend.

    And to answer hecticreality's question, these are compatible with Pets EP patch. So you can use them to your heart's content ;)

  10. These are wonderful! Thank you so much.

  11. I love these soooooo much! ^_^ And Pets compatible, too--Win!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  12. @Adelia Jane
    I love you too!

    @Darkling and Anon
    You guys are so welcome! :)

  13. These are just too awesome!
    I love bathroom & kitchen clutter so I will really enjoy using them.
    And it reminds me of my real-life enormous collection of sprays & creams.
    (I think I need therapy for that , LOL)
    Thank you so much!!

  14. @SimplyTheBest
    There's nothing wrong with liking pretty and smell good things so you don't need therapy at all ;)
    You're just like my mother and sisters in law.
    And you're welcome!!

    Heya daluved! I'm so glad you like these.
    And again thank you for the mod! :)

  15. can you make them for sims 2 too?i love them but i play sims 2

  16. Holy shiznit, this is frickin' awesome! You rock :)

  17. God, I love these!!! Thanks so much for making and sharing these!!! Are you reading my mind!!! Your site has everything I'm searching for. Candles, pillows, magazines, now these!!! I have a new folder just for your stuff in my game!!

  18. Even Condoms..lol........ ;-)

  19. @Anon
    You are more than welcome to convert them to TS2.

    Thank you and enjoy! :)

    Aww, you're so welcome! :)
    I'm really glad you found some usefull stuff from my site and you even have a folder for them in your game. That's awesome! :)

    And yes, I even made condoms ;)

  20. oh my godness ! this set rocks ! Many thanks for creating all these usable care products for our sims, a bit of realism is just a brillant idea
    I adore them already. I also would have them in deco only, that's only a thought not a request.

  21. i'm not good with programms and stuff but these are awesome...if you could show me the way to make them for sims 2 i would appreciate it...no matter what though these are beautiful...good work!!!!!!kisses from Greece!!!!!!!

  22. You are seriously kind of amazing. I Just found your blog today and I have already downloaded so many things! :D :D

  23. This is so amazing! Thanks so much!

  24. Wunderschöne Schaumbäder ect.Gegällt mir sehr gut.
    Danke schön für die wunderschönen Sachen auf Deiner

  25. Oh my goodness, you singlehandedly broke my rule. I usually don't like to have anything in my sims game that's not in Simlish (for Sim realism X3) but the idea of everyone having their own bath product of choice won me over.

    The quality of your all creations is excellent. I can hardly believe the effort you put into this stuff to give us so many options with such detail.

    In fact, now that I've done it once, those ice cream default replacements are calling out to me... >_>

    I'm probably going to download everything on your blog tonight. It's all so adorable.

    Well...except for those leather undies...those are just delicious. ;D

    I'm in love with you. Thanks so much. <3

  26. Nice ! Now I can clean my simmies with the same product I use myself ;)
    I just discovered your blog 30 mn ago and I can't stop downloading your stuff, it's just fabulous ! Thanks !!

  27. Wow how do you do it?? So many amazing, if I could have this many in real life it'd be like heaven! Lol. I also just found your blog and you're so talented! Thanks for the Boondock Saints tattoos! ^_^

  28. my favorite is ives rocher ♥

  29. apparently your mediafire account is suspended... any chance of a reupload?

    1. No problem! Thank you for this awesome set, the wife and I love your stuff!!

    2. I am glad you like them! Thank you to both of you for loving and using my stuff! Have fun! ^_^

  30. does this work with the new update? (1.63)

  31. I downladed the body cleansers but the problem is i got only one product.
    Where are Dove ones Victoria Secret ones .. etc then? Please help! :) Thank you very much!

  32. Hi, I just wanted to know if I can just download the victoria secret and the bath and body stuff without having to download the whole set?

  33. It doesn't let me download. Can you re-upload?

  34. Replies
    1. I just fixed it so please try download it again.

  35. I love al the post here!! Thanks!! <3

  36. Does this work for Sims 4 or just for Sims 3? I have Sims 4 and I would LOVE to have this set.. Thank you

  37. Any chance you could do a ts4 conversion? :D

  38. Ok i missed that cause of the label sims 3 and sims 4 downloads no need for name calling but thanks.


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