Lolita Dress Mannequins - The Sims 3

Hello again!

I really like this lolita dress mannequin by pocci from Garden Breeze so I decided to give some new textures on it.
I really like the result. I think they look so pretty.
I didn't make recolors but I retextured it. 
So what you see here just some recolors of the mannequins by CAS.
Yes, they're CAStable except for the neck and bottom/wood part (don't know what to call them)
It was really so much fun when I recolored them and I almost got carried away ;)

I remember back when I still played TS2, my sims had business and they were making tons of money by selling the stuff from their house! (Open For Business)
I really want my TS3 simmies open business and sell these beautiful lolita dresses.
I think I will really enjoy it. :)

Anyway, there's two types of this lolita mannequin. You can see it in the pics.
You have to install both files if you want to have them in your game.
There's 2 file folders in folder Lolita Dress Mannequins (each has sims3pack and package files).
I hope you like these mannequins and have a lot of fun playing with them. ;)


Lolita Dress Mannequins

2 Mannequins
in 2 meshes
Recolorable (3 Channels)
Mesh by pocci

Recolors of Mannequin 1

Recolors of Mannequin 2

Recolors of Gothic Style

Recolors of Shabby Chic Style

If you like the downloads I create, 
please consider a donation to One Billion Pixels. 
Any amount is appreciated. Thank you! ♥

pocci for the mesh


  1. Thanhks ^ ^ It's awesome !!!!

  2. How do you get this to go on the game?

  3. Thanks Anon and Louma!
    Have fun ok! :)

    @Anon #2
    Here's an instruction on how to install package file:

    If you pick sims3pack then all you have to do is use The Sims 3 Launcher to install the file.

    I hope this helps.

  4. How do you extract the .rar file?

  5. The download link is not working for me =(

  6. OH MY! This is absolutely lovely :D
    I dress in lolita my self and these are just to awesome. Great work! <3

  7. Can someone make these into ACTUAL dresses to wear?

  8. ^
    Actual lolita dresses.

  9. The link for these dresses no longer works :(

  10. @simminglyawesome
    Thank you for telling me!
    You can download frome the download link on the post but it's Pets Patched now.

  11. Very pretty! But download is deaded.

  12. the download seems to be broken right now? a shame, i have a friend who i'm trying to make a sim of and she'd love to have these in her room :c i hope you can get it fixed soon!

  13. Can you please make these for sims 4?

  14. Can you please make these for the sims 4, also Recolor it into dark blue.... i love it sooooo muchhh

  15. Please make these for Sims 4... Please :)

  16. These are so lovely, is it possible to convert them for the Sims 4?


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