36 Cosmetic Clutter

Hi guys!

I have new goodies for y'all who like to decorate your sims house with pretty stuff.
36 Cosmetic Clutter in total. Yes, 36 not 3 or 6.

I decided to make these since I like them a lot (their nice smell) and the cute designs.
I hope you like this clutter and you'll have lots of fun when you're decorating with these.
Oh and don't forget to use OMSP! It's a must have for clutter addict.
That's what I used in my pics.

Btw about the pic previews, I made them from in game pictures.
What you see is what you get!
No photoshop at all.
Well, yeah I did when I made them (not the screenshots)

Also, I used mesh by RD (Repulsive Desire) to make these and they're included in files.
There's Sims3pack and Package files, just pick the one that you like.

Enjoy and Happy Simming!


Shower Gel

Body Lotion

Hair Styling Product

RD for the mesh


  1. OMG! You're spoiling us! This is amazing. Thanks so much.

  2. Thank you a mapillion times for breaking these up by brand...and also, you know, for your hard work and for sharing them with us! :)

  3. oh these are too cute! and of course my sims will buy those! Thank you so much sweety!

  4. More total awesomeness!

  5. Thank you for your wonderful comments guys! :)
    It makes me happy when I read them.

    RD, thank you so much for your policy and mesh!
    I am so glad you like the clutter.

  6. Hi amy!

    OMSP is One More Slot Package.
    You can get them from here:

    I used this one in my pics (for bed and dresser only)

    I hope this helps.

  7. :( cheery download posey link only opens .png (of cheery download posey)... no DL :(
    awwwwwwwwww... my Sims wanted to smell pretty :)

  8. Anon, you have to click on the file(s) name to downlod. The dl button is there only to show the dl links (so you can pick/dl the one you like)
    I know it was stupid cause I always did that back then.
    But thank you for your comment! :)

  9. i love them so much but unfortunately i play sims 2...can you upload something like that for sims 2?what can i use to do something like that?no matter what you did a great job..

  10. fabulous you spoilt us with care products again this time, I can't you thank you enough for creating amazing bath clutters!
    Hugs and kisses

  11. I love these! But when I open them in the game, I can't place more than one in the same spot - like next together. :(

    1. You'll need OMSP for that as you can read in my post above. Then use the cheat moveobjects on to enable it then press Alt while you place them on the surface. Hope this helps! :)

  12. Kinda a stupid question, but what category are these in? I've looked in decor like 5 or 6 times and I can't find them. I figured i'd ask in case i was looking in the wrong place..
    In case this has something to do with it is it compatible with your 105 body cleansers?

    1. You can find these in Miscellaneous Decor category and they don't have anything to do with 105 body cleansers cause they're only decor.

  13. i cant seem to download these it says the file no longer exists but im just dying to download them :(

    1. I've fixed the link so you can redownload now. Thanks!

  14. This is amazing and adds a great touch to a bathroom or bedroom to complete it! Thanks so much! Just out of curiosity do you happen to have any makeup ones floating around and if not, will you ever be making any?

  15. I Love your site! I was wondering if can pretty please put this in sims3pack??

  16. PLEASEEEEEEEEE can you make these to where i can download them for TS4!!!!! Pleaseeeeee, Thank you

  17. Hi.
    Can't download. The link is broken. :(

  18. The link is broken, pleeeeeease, fix it ;w;


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