30 Qee Dolls Layered Shirts (Request)


I decided to fulfill another request, to make some layered shirts for teen to adult males. You can see the request here.
I know the shirts are not new at all but the designs are. In total there's 30 designs that I divided into 5 sets. So one set contains 6 designs.

You have to install all the 5 sets if you want to have them in your game.
Both format (Sims3pack and Package) are included in download file.

I used default replacement T-shirt for Teen/YA/A by Club Crimsyn to make them look more slim (and I also used some of the texture ;)

These shirts (the texture and everything) will still show up in your game even if you don't have install the default replacement but they won't look slim at all just like the original shirt from base game.

Also they're recolorable except for the stencils part as you can see in pictures.
You can see all the original designs for the stencils below the preview pictures. They're called Qee Dolls, look scary but also cute at the same time (I hope that make sense :) 


Club Crimsyn for the mesh and everything I used in pics
Qee Dolls

All models and tattoos by me,
you can get them here and here.


  1. Is Killer Cat 2 Wolverine? :O
    (also, awesome clothing, btw)

  2. ... Actually, now that I think about it, it looks like a mix between Wolverine + the woman from Kill Bill. Beatrix? I can never remember her name. lol

  3. @Nath G
    Lol, yeah I think you're right. It does look like a mix of Wolverine and Beatrix (long nails and yellow outfit)
    And thanks for your comment!

    @Half Blood, Half Sand
    You're welcome! :)

    You're welcome Nicole! :)

  4. Definitly downloading these for my nerd Sim! ;)

    Thanks NewOne! <3

  5. @Amanda
    I guarantee you these shirts will make them look absolutely fabulous in no time! ;)

    You're so welcome Amanda! <3

  6. These are really great. Thanks.

  7. @Aglaia
    You're welcome! So glad you like them :)

  8. I love your layered shirts--I'm so glad you made more. ^_^

    *dances off to dress up my simmies*

  9. @Darkling
    Thank you! I'm just glad I got the request to make them ;)



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