Fruit Farm Organic Jams (The Sims 4)


Here's a new food/grocery set just like I've mentioned in my previous post.

I need to remind you, these are just decorative jams.
So please don't try to make your sims open and eat these jams no matter how mouthwatering they look. 
Sorry, they are only clutter and have no function at all. But you still can use them to decorate kitchen or for business.
(Get To Work expansion is required to run a business)

Mesh Info:
OBP Fruit Farm Organic Jams (424 faces/232 vertices)
Food graphics from Behance. 

Custom thumbnails are included.

Feel free to recolor this set.
But please Do Not replace my textures with yours! (Default replacement)
Please read my TOU & Sharing Policy HERE.

And please tag 'onebillionpixels' if you use these in your picture. I'll reblog your post.

Happy Tuesday!

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please consider a donation to One Billion Pixels.
Any amount is appreciated.
Thank you! â™¥


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