Makeup Clutter (The Sims 4)


I made these clutter based on real version of super cute makeup from Tony Moly and The Face Shop.
I tried to make more clutter but I'm running out of time. I'm going to summer vacation soon and I won't be able to make anything for a while.

Anyway, I hope you guys like these clutter.
In total you'll get 3 meshes with 22 recolors as seen in pictures.
These have custom thumbnails so it will be easy to find them in game.

Mesh Info:

OBP The Face Shop Hand Cream (200 vertices / 264 faces)
OBP Tony Moly Petite Bunny Gloss Bar (349 vertices / 432 faces)
OBP Tony Moly Hello Bunny Perfume Bar (384 vertices / 624 faces)

Feel free to recolor this set.
But please Do Not replace my textures with yours! (Default replacement) 
Please read my TOU & Sharing Policy HERE  

And please tag ‘onebillionpixels’ if you use these in your picture.I’ll reblog your post. Thanks!

Happy Simming!

If you like the downloads I create, 
please consider a donation to One Billion Pixels. 
Any amount is appreciated. Thank you! ♥


  1. Hello i love your cc and can you make this also for the sims 3 ( sorry my english isn't the best )

  2. Omg...your creations are absolute E Y E C A N D Y !!! :O I love your site! Would be sooo happy if u continue your creations :)

  3. hiya just so you know your hand cream is corrupted :D


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