
I'm back with new stuff for you. This time I make iPad.
The mesh is by EA, from the store (MultiTab 6000) and it's fully functional.
You can read/buy books, play games or just listen to it.
And you can recolor it with any color or pattern you like (Recolorable 1 channel)
I also made the Hello Kitty ones. I hope you guys like it! ;)
Oh, and you can find this in Miscellaneous Entertainment for 750 simoleons. 

To make this iPad works in your game, you have to install the original mesh (it's called Tablet Modern). I've included it in download file with this iPad.
Please note, this iPad is not a default replacement so you can have it as many as you want in your game.
Both format (Sims3Pack and Package) are available. Please install only one!
I made this with patch 1.34.

Last but not least, I use adf.ly now and here's the tip how to download the file:
Never click the bottom part of the adverts. Just wait for 5 seconds then click on "Skip the ad".

Happy Tuesday!


Hello Kitty


  1. You are AMAZING ! Thank you so much ! (:

  2. OMG, I Love Hello Kitty ;)

  3. I love it!!! Thanks so much!!! =)

  4. OMG I love you so much!! Been wanting the tablet but didn't want to have to buy that whole ugly set @ the EA Store for it!! You have definitely made my day!! HUGSS!!!

    1. I'm glad you like these ipads and I hope you'll have fun with them! :) *Hugs back*

  5. Thank you so much for your work
    This is perfect *-*

    1. You're most welcome, Juliana! :)
      I'm happy you like it!

  6. Awesome!

    But I also have a question, would you consider default replacing the EA designer portfolio thingy with an iPad, too?

    1. Thank you!

      I'm sorry but I don't think I can do that cause I don't have that EP :(

  7. Thanks, this is awesome :D
    This is kind of weird but when i clicked the link, i got this virus that locked onto my computer called "Sacem", accusing me of ilegally downloading music and that I had to pay $50 dollars or they'd block my computer... yeah I kind of believed if at first but then I researched and its FAKE. So, for all the users in France, watch out for this scam. Anyway, I researched how to remove it on another computer and fixed it by system restore.
    Anyway, awesome iPad, I love your work :)

    1. I am really sorry for hwat happened. It never happened before.
      Did you click the mediafire link or different link? The only file you have to download is OBP iPad from mediafire.
      I hope you're computer is fine now. Again I really am sorry about the scam.
      And thank you for telling us about this.

    2. Dont worry, my computer is fine now :)
      I dont think I clicked on the botton Ad's but guess I clicked on the 'Skip Ad' before the 5 seconds was up.
      Anyway, thanks for your concern and putting the warning above the upload link :)

    3. It's a relief to hear that your computer is fine now :)
      Yes, I added the warning to the post so people can read it (hopefully they notice) before they click the download link.
      Thank you for coming back here to let me know about your computer. Have a nice day! :)

  8. Quick question before I download this. I have the EA-Tablet from the Sims3Store.. so do I need your tablet modern mesh to make this work?

    1. No, you don't need to install it cause both Tablet modern and EA Tablet are the same thing.

    2. Thanks, you make so many awesome things. Can't wait to use the edible food, and the ipad in my upcoming story/series :)

  9. can you upload this to mediafire? im having a hard time navigating through this site. it says something about binary file? and has all kinds of red symbols alerting from my mcafee security suite. i dont recognize any of this terminology from other upload sites. please share link to alternative site. thanks!

    1. I did upload this file and all of my other files to mediafire. I've been doing this for years. I'm sorry for the trouble you had to go through but like I said I uploaded my file to mediafire. Hope this helps! :)

  10. It's not letting me download :(

    1. Anon, please try again. This time you have to wait for 5 seconds then click "Skip Ad" before you can download the file. Hope this helps! :)

  11. For some reason I'm being kicked over to the adf.ly link a few seconds after each page loads.

    1. Hi there! All you have to do is wait for 5 seconds then click on "Skip Ad" then you can download the file (OBP iPad) Hope this helps!

    2. I had no problem downloading the iPad. I'm just letting you know that when I went to various pages (e.g. previous works, categories) I was getting taken to an adf.ly page for those urls with 5 or so seconds of the page loading.

    3. I see, I think I read it wrong. Thanks for coming back and correcting me :)

  12. For those of you having problems with downloading. You have to "Click" on the "SKIP AD" button that appears after a countdown of 5 seconds. That'll take you to the mediafire page. Actually, there is nothing that NewOne can do here.

    Thank you NewOne. Your site has always been an old antique shop, now it's turning chic! And this work of your is mind blowing!! This is hands down my favorite download ever for Sims 3 with your candles coming a close second!! Thank you tons!!

    1. Thank you for your help! :) I hope they read your comment. I already added the info in my post. Hopefully they notice and can download the file.

      LOL, yeah I need to refresh the layout every once a while. I got tired sometimes just looking at the old one ;)
      I'm really happy you like these iPads. I hope they're useful for your beloved sims ;)
      You're so welcome, Amber!

  13. You are so awesome, thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!

  14. Replies
    1. You're welcome and I hope you have fun with these! :)

  15. Thank you so much for this and I have a list of clutter ideas for you. You obviously don't have to consider making them or anything! Just some things to look at if you're ever stuck for an idea.
    Kitchen objects: Wooden rolling pin, metal whisk, cake making/baking accessories (cake cases, cupcake trays, cookie cutters, measuring jug), baby sippy cups, apron and eggs in a box.

    Bathroom objects: Hairdryer, hairbrush, q-tips, tweezers, Vaseline, Tampax, sponge, toilet brush, bobby pins, nail clippers, make up wipes and hairspray.

    First aid kit? Plasters, plasters for children, scissors and thermometer.
    Mop, brush, dust pan, outdoor rotary clothes airer, dish rack, washing up bowl and wooden clothes hangers.

    Here are a few images I found which could help you for ideas in clutter!

    Sorry it's so much! Ideas kept coming to me and since you make the best stuff I figured I should tell you them so if you get stuck on ideas for things to make you may want to give one these a go.

    1. Thank you so much for your ideas and suggestions. I really appreciate your help and concern and for taking time to post all the links! :)
      I've read and checked all of them. And I even saved the pictures in my special folder. Yes, if I need ideas I'll look at them and maybe make some of them for the game.
      I like the mailbox units, parisian room and the pink room.
      Again thank you so much! :)

  16. Is it possible for you to link directly to the mediafire page?
    I seem to have a problem with adf.ly, the skip ad-button won't show for me, the page just tells me to wait, so I can't get to the download page.

    1. Sorry about that.
      I don't know why it doesn't work for you, but no worries here's the link:
      I hope you can download it now.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I am having the same problem as Jessica Ariwa. D: But this is pretty awesome :D Thank you!

  19. Wow. Brilliant! You're genius PLUS it's recolor-able! Now my Sims can be cooler than me lol

  20. Hi! im happy that you made this but when my sim use it he/she sits really wierd and when they are done with it they dissapear and then show up in the garden!!!! Please help me!!!!

    1. What patch version you have installed now? Do you have the latest one? I never heard that problem before. All my sims can use it from time to time without any problem.

  21. I Can't download it! That website says I need a admin account to download it! Help!

  22. Hello,
    I can't download your beautiful creation, mediafire say that the file is deleted, can you fix the problem please? :)

  23. Hi your blog is beatiful and you are doing beatiful things but i have one problem... I tried to install the Ipad. But does not want to go as everything else that has an icon Adobe Reader! I was looking to have the same problems on Google. I made things out there that people have recommended and now I can not install ANYTHING. Could you advise me what to do when there is adobe reader?Pls help me... :-(

    1. Hi Beli!
      All you have to do is put the Package file in your Mods folder. You don't have to double click to install it.
      Simply put the package file to this:
      User Name/Document/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages
      Don't forget to put Recource.cfg in your Mods folder (not Package)
      Just ignore the Adobe Reader icon, the file will still works.
      Please try it and see if it works.

    2. HI thanks for your advice but is still dont work. What is that -Recource.cfg- ? I dont know much about this things. I know it is complicated (or rather I) but could you help me more like tell me what the hell is that -Recource.cfg-?? I get it /Document/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages but i cant move on. Once again thanks for your advice and I hope you can help me with this too :-/
      P.S.-sorry for my English

    3. Here's the link where you can get Resource.cfg:


      Click on the download icon in the middle of the page. Then you can open it later on your computer. The Mods folder is in the file including Resource.cfg.
      You can use that Mods folder if you don't have that on your TS3 folder.
      Resource.cfg is needed to make Custom Content works.
      Hope this helps!

  24. Replies
    1. I think you have to click on it twice if it doesn't show up the first time.

    2. I am feeling a bit bummed out and jealous because my sims get to have an iPad and I don't in real life. Anyways, thank you! I find this to be of great use!

  25. this won't let me install or unzip it at all :/

  26. I can download it but i cant open it? Btw, is it supposed to save as an adobe acrobat file? Please reply!!!!

    1. You must have downloaded the wrong file.
      When you click the download button it will take you to another page. Please wait for 5 seconds then you can click the "skip the ad" button on top of the right side to download the file.
      And no, the file is not in adobe acrobat format. There is no way you can install that for the sims 3 game.

    2. Thanks for replying but I found out what I did wrong, I placed it in the wrong file and also did not have the proper software downloaded. It's in my game now though and it's so cute I love it thank you!!!!

  27. Now my Simself can also carry her ipad everywhere, just like me haha. Thank you xx

  28. So do I have to have the sims 3 MultiTab to get this? Please answer :)

    1. Sorry for the late reply but I hope you read this.
      The Multi Tab is included in package so you can put it together with the iPad file to make it works.
      Hope this helps.


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