Fixed Trays, Plate, Togo Box, Cake Stands (Sims no longer clean up/throw them to trash can)


Just a quick update today.

Someone reported to me that sims like to throw away the trays, plate, etc even the ones who don't have neat trait.

So I fixed the problem today and reupload the stuff. All of them still have the slots and have the same names with a little addition 'new'.
All you have to do is replace the old file with the new one (i.e. OBP Plastry Plate with OBP Pastry Plate New) then they're ready to go!
Now your sims can no longer throw the trays, etc to the trash can.

Have a nice day!


S3PE Plugin


  1. I just wanted to tell you THANK YOU!!!! ^_^ Everyday I come here to see what new creation you've made. Your work is well appreciated! :D

    1. You're welcome! It's good to see you really excited and always come here to visit. It makes me happy that you like my creations.

  2. You are so amazing!! Thank you!!

    1. Thank you, hon! ;)
      And you're welcome, too!

  3. lol I've downloaded the new set but probably would still keep on using the old ones, just to try something different form EA's ;)
    Thank you again for this sweet set :)

    1. There's nothing wrong with keeping the old stuff you like (that's why we call it vintage) I do that a lot too ;)
      You're welcome! :)

  4. Even though this is completely unrelated, I just really want to say:
    Thank you SO much for all your creations - the buyable foods make my life so much easier for the sims I don't want to teach cooking; I love small decorative objects like fake food - they are ADORABLE <3
    I truly admire your creations.
    Please, continue to create for Sims - I'll be stalking your blog as always, hehe <3

    1. You're so welcome! :)
      I do too love cute stuff (I guess you can tell from my creations, LOL) And plese do stalk my blog anytime you want, you are very welcomed here! :)
      Have a nice day!

  5. you're always cluttering my folder hehe you might as well clean it :D

    1. I'm sowwy.. Can't help it, I love making stuff! ;) Have fun with these!

  6. Mediafire seems to have targeted your files, such as this one. I would suggest moving to another file host!

    Great CCs~! I love the things you offer to the community.

    1. I've been using Dropbox since this year and I'm trying to fix all the broken links but it's gonna be a while.

      Thank you for your kind words! ^_^

  7. Hey NewOne! I love these trays and use them a lot, but I noticed that the sims in my game still want to clean up these trays. I have a resort and my maintenance sims keep going to my little food displays and cleaning them up. Can this be fixed?

    1. I realized that it is not only the pastry trays that are doing this, it's also the pastry plates, sushi trays, and cake stands. I haven't tried out the take out containers so I'm not sure if they are the same way.

    2. Hi Maria,
      I think either the bugs or the new patch could cause the problem.
      I know a lot of people have this problem after they install Island Paradise EP or the latest patch (1.55) A lot of custom content are no longer working after that.
      So I really don't know how to fix it. I'm really sorry.

    3. That's alright:) I appreciate you letting me know!

  8. Replies
    1. You need to disable adblock if you want the download link to work.


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